Selected from the Cog icon on the JPad interface, you can select from several options to customze the experience of your simulation. All options are saved.
Engine Off State.
- This selects how the plane will load up when you do not select x-plane to load the plane with engines running.
- Cold & Dark - the plane will load up with almost everything turned off, as if it has been sitting for a long time.
- Long Turn -the plane will load up with some items turned off and the plane operating on GPU, with batteries off, as if it has been left to sit overnight, or a few hours.
- Short Turn - the plane will load up with the GPU connected, or APU running, in a state as if you just changed crew during a turnaround.
- if you do load in with x-planes engines running, the plane will load in ready for takeoff.
Your Role
- This option determins which seat the simulation thinks you are sitting in, hence which radios, and yoke you might be affecting.
- You can set this to Captain for the left seat, 1st Officer for right, seat, or if set to auto the simulation will try to determine which seat you are in by the position of your camera.
- What this affects,
- Yoke command input motion, like trim and ap disconnect switches on the yokes themselves as well as PTT and TCS
- When a control disconnect is engaged, this will determine how your input will control the flying surfaces. example would be, pitch disconnect and each side then controls its own side of the elevator surface, and or the roll disconnect alows one pilot to control the fliht spoilers and the other the airlerons. The system is helpfull if the flight surface would jam in flight for some reason.
- Which side of your screen the Control display will pop up on.
- Which radio volume and selection you are useing as master.
- This option simply lets you change the JPad and Aircraft units system from kilograms or lbs.
- This will affect all units in the JPad
- this will affect the fuel weight, and fuel flow values on the EFIS displays pertaining to engine display and the fuel page.