The JPAD is FlyJSims new UI, a place you can handle wight and balance, change options, handle checklists and eventually much more.

There are two independent JPAD units, one on the left and another on the right side of the cockpit. Both units can be hidden or shown independently, as well as hidden all entirely. There is a backup 2d popup JPAD screen which can be toggled to pop up and also poped out of the sim.

The icons across the top select different pages. currently we have the General, Payload, and Options pages working with the hopes of having the checklists and procedures in there before release as well.



The Q icon on the left top of the JPad screen brings you to the Home page.

Useing the blue arrows, you can move the sub page selection to the left or right.

The HOME Page displays a brief overview of your current Aircraft and Payload for that aircraft, as long as version information.



The Next icon indicated by a weight, brings you to the payload page. From here you will be on the status page which shows you an overview of your current aircraft load state, and loading.
